Tag: #marblecollegiate

  • Mary, Did You Know?

    Mary, Did you Know?

  • Love

    Love is work. Love is action. Love is a deep, whole                   investment in others. Pay attention to                   how much you’ve hoped,                   how much you’ve cared. You know how to Love. by Tony Angeline, LeCora Okeagu, Agustin Fuentes, Susan Ceely Philips

  • A Light Unto My Path

    Visiting the monastery that weekend was one of the first outings I’d made after finding myself alone, my husband’s words still ringing in my ears – that he no longer wanted to be married.  But I’d never arrived at nighttime – never realized just how dark it could get in this most secluded place.  I parked, got…

  • The Arrival of a First Grandchild

    Our first grandchild was born recently—so many times during her birth, I thought of Mary with awe.  You see, my daughter was supposed to be at the hospital bright and early on a Tuesday morning.  Upon arrival, they found there was no room for them.  After being shuffled around many times, they finally were settled…

  • Every Day. Every Day.

    Every Day. Every day. “HELLO!” To the light! To the stalwart tree stand To the neighbors across the way To the slice of sky above And to the smile that etches across my face And seeps into my heart. Every day. Every day. Very much the same. Yet, So very much a “first time” sensation.…

  • Quotes on Light and Hope

    “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12 “When you let your own light shine, you unconsciously give others permission to do the same.” – Nelson Mandela “Give light and people will find the way.” – Ella Baker “We must accept finite…

  • Feast of St. Nick

    Feast of St. Nick

  • Light of Hope

    Upcycling is one of the many things I proudly do as my contribution in the conservation of our beloved Mother Earth.   This pandemic gave me more time to think about what and how I can reuse household things that we normally just throw away. As a result, I have these Lights of Hope made of reused…

  • Sunset

    This spectacular sunset took my breath away. The sky is ablaze with streaks of pink, orange and violet blue. The glowing tapestry of colors is perfectly reflected in the still waters of the bay outside my friend’s house where he and his wife are hunkered down by themselves away from friends and family this holiday…

  • Hope is Being Able to See…

    Hope is being able to see…