Tag: #lentblog2023

  • Some thoughts on kindness…

    Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along…

  • An Angel in the Snow

    April, 1971. I was in the U.S. Army, stationed at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, just outside Ayer (Pronounced “Aaayah! ), Massachusetts.  As a civilian I had been an actor, playwright and director, and now served as Director of the Fort Devens Playhouse. Being so close to New York City, I made frequent trips to see Theatre…

  • Choose Kindness

    This morning while I was entering the school building for the day I held the door for the parent that was entering the building.  She gave me a warm good morning and a thank you that made my day. But this was not the act of kindness that was the most important. I took the…

  • Out of the Dustbin

    What are we made of, made of? You are dust, and to dust you shall return – Genesis 3:9 ESV Ashes to ashes, dust to dust – Book of Common Prayer

  • Our Easter Offering and Housing Plus

    Jesus taught that “whatever you do for the least of these you do for me,” and “to whom much is given, much will be asked.” What does this mean for us as Women of Faith? Giving to Marble’s Easter Offering is a way to demonstrate what it means. It allows us to help those less…

  • Storytime Saturday

    One of my favorite activities in elementary school was storytime. Today, I share a storytime featuring the book, “Be Kind” by Pat Zietlow Miler. So find a place on the carpet or pull up a chair and enjoy this book.

  • An Outing

    Small acts of kindness warm the heart.  A nonagenarianhas attended our church for many years. She no longer drives,but two young congregants bring her to Sunday services.Some Sundays their son is involved sports’ games after church.They take her along and she becomes a fan in the stands.Her Sunday is enhanced by their gift of time…

  • Kindness is all Around

    We are often wrapped up in our thoughts when small acts of kindness surround us.  When I am blessed with these moments, they remind me that we inherently have good hearts that try to help the world be a better place.  It gives me the courage to do the same, despite the current environment that…

  • Every Wednesday

    Every Wednesday. Rain or shine. Cold or hot. The F to the B to the golf cart to a crew of “older adults“ Gathered with Jerry, our intrepid leader, to work… Pulling weeds, Raking leaves, Chipping away at icy walkways, Laying wood chips on weathered paths, Planting, clearing, protecting. Our beloved Central Park. This gift…


    I learned important lessons during that time. Again, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness through the compassion and generosity of others… our healthcare workers. They were the light for my mother and for so many patients during the COVID-19 pandemic and continue to be to today.

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