Tag: #advent

  • Hope for Advent

  • The Trees of Nazareth

    A Sonnet for Advent To Luke was given the gift of mind to hearAnd see, his reed pen dipped in charcoal inkOf art to paint in words the scenes as they appearWithin our hearts as hope when at the brink Of deepest longing for a holy signThat Spirit hears and sees in love and knowsOur abject…

  • DRAGON (Winter 1994)

    by Rene J. Navarro Snow is falling in transparent sheets across the garden of lilacs into the woods beyond. The dragon is out there, his tail whipping the wind in gustsalong the rhododendron path. He has been out since dawn, tasting the melting snow on his tongue. He hearsthe elegant  explosionof a flake vaporisingin an instant: it recallsother quiet revelations of the quotidian.  … Flute music rising…

  • “Art is the Highest Form of Hope”

    Welcome to Advent 2022! Each year we have a new theme and this year’s Advent Blog is inspired by the artist Gerhard Richter’s quote, “Art is the Highest form of Hope.”   As Advent is the season of hope for Christians worldwide, let us bring Richter’s quote into action.   We all need a place to find hope…

  • Our Hope Has Come

    Merry Christmas! Joy to the World! On this Christmas Day in 2021, there is so much to wish for, to hope for, and to long for…. Jesus was not born in a time of peace, he was born to save us and this world. We need him more than ever this year. May the love…

  • The Bells are (Almost) Ringing

    This Christmas Eve, I share some pictures and music to calm your soul… If you need a place to worship from home this Christmas Eve, at 6:30 pm EST, you can stream from our church, Marble Collegiate in New York City. If you cannot make it at 6:30, you can stream the service at anytime….…

  • God’s Mercies

    God’s mercies are new every day and happen in the most unexpected ways. Early one morning, I stepped out of my car at work and caught my breath. A brilliant yellow-orange sun was just glowing over the horizon. “How beautiful,” I whispered to myself as I reached for my phone to take a photo to…

  • Amaryllis and me…

    A tale from a long ago mind and place wove a story for anyone who would listen. A tale of longing, waiting, persistent love. A story of a shy, young shepherdess, Amaryllis. A young girl, who, through her daily life guiding, cajoling, leading her flock, met a young and, we hear, very handsome and strong…

  • Have Hope

    Sometimes it’s difficult to find evidence for hope in God’s world; in God’s Word, in God’s church, in God’s people, yes, there are signs aplenty – including in that which is imperfect.  But in God’s world – a place so chaotic, so corrupted, so flawed, divided and secularized?  Where do we look to remember that…

  • Winter Arrives

    We have entered the season of short days, and long dark nights.  Dark nights can be hard.  But they can also be good.  I used to really dislike the darkness until I came upon the saying,  “it is better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness”.  It’s so true.  Curling up with a…