The Journey Ends for Now…

Thank you, friends, blog writers, artists, people who liked posts, faithful comment posters, and followers. Without you, we could not have taken this journey to the cross and beyond. 

Today is the last day of the Lent Blog for 2023. It started with a book by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s book on kindness, “Just Help! How to Build a Better World.”  We had contributors this year on the Lent Blog from 6 to nearly 90 years old. We shared music, poems, stories from the heart, artwork, pictures, and spoken word, and all focused on how vital kindness can be in changing the world. 

I share a final song, a favorite of mine from the musical “The Bridges of Madison County.”  Sung by Steven Pasquale, “It All Fades Away” reminds us how much of life can fade away, but a simple act of kindness is remembered for a lifetime.   

We share this blog each Advent and Lent with much love,

Marcie Doll and All of the Daily Contributors

“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because
of who you are.” 

Harold Kushner

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